Thursday 22 October 2015

Mahabharat Episode 178 Star Plus Download Mahabharat in HD

Mahabharat Episode 178 Star Plus Download Mahabharat in HD

Mahabharat Episode 178 Star Plus Download Mahabharat in HD

Mahabharat Episode 178: Now, are your doubts cleared? O Arjuna! Are you free from the illusory ideas regarding your true nature? Do you still have doubts about what is right or what is wrong and have doubts about what is right or what is wrong and whether you should fight the battle or not?" The grateful Arjuna, now full of bliss with the realisation of the true knowledge said, "Yes my Lord! My ignorance has vanished. Destroyed my delusion and my doubts are gone. But before going into war, I have one request, O Almighty! I want to see your original form.

Click Here to Download :-  Mahabharata Episode 

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