Thursday 22 October 2015

Mahabharat Episode 197 Star Plus Download Mahabharat in HD

Mahabharat Episode 197 Star Plus Download Mahabharat in HD

Mahabharat Episode 197 Star Plus Download Mahabharat in HD

Mahabharat Episode 197: You, Bhishma and Kripacharya are all capable of dealing with the Pandavas easily, but I fail to understand what is holding you back." Dronacharya retorted, "Duryodhana, we are doing our best to push the enemy back, but you are disturbing us. You have no idea of the strength of the Pandavas." Saying so, Dronacharaya attacked the Pandava soldiers like a hungry lion. Bhima and Satyaki came forward to face him. Seeing this, Salya came to help Drona.  Duryodhana fought with matchless vigour. Even Bhima was hit and stunned for a moment. At this, Ghatotkacha charged upon the Kaurava army like a cyclone.

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